Tuesday, January 31, 2012

2012: Year of the Apollo

I have been trying to add a blog post once every month... and it's January 31st and I'm writing the January post!  That should give you an idea of how my first month went....  I'm ending the month exhausted, but excited for the future!

So what kept me so stressed out in January?

-Universal Audio Apollo:  The new UA flagship product, which I have been working on in one way or another, for years now (by way of development of the Satellite product, etc.) is finally announced!  I am excited to see what people think!   For everyone that is into music gear, this thing is a BIG DEAL, no matter how you look at it.

-T-Shirts!  I ordered a batch of T-shirts to support our San Jose Anthem...  the T-shirts have a built in QR code, so you can swipe your phone over it to download the song for free!  People love them, and they have been a hit in the streets!  Hit me up if you want them or want to see a pic, I'm selling them for $20 + FREE SHIPPING.  

-Compilation Album:  I decided to take a bunch of tracks I have with various artists, and add a couple more hot tracks, and put out a compilation album.  I'm excited about the lineup of rappers going to be on it!  Lots of bay area locals mixed with some legendary figures...

-Marketing:  Still pushing Blacmatik and my Mixtape... while I am typically an engineer and don't get involved in promotion, I've been enjoying being on the other side, helping the artists get the music out.  I've had some success marketing my own music in the past, and this experience is helping understand that part of the game a lot better than I did before...

So there you have it.  I definitely don't want to do any more months like this back to back, but in all honesty, February is looking even more scary... but then I go to Hawaii to start March, so I just have to keep a positive outlook and continue to hustle!

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